
Friday, January 1, 2010

Anti-Misandry 101 – “Setting the Record Straight”

"Setting the Record Straight on the Men's Movement" - revised version, May 9, 2021 (41 illustrations) 

--- Now with full footnotes ---

“Most people assume that the men’s rights movement is a backlash of reaction to gender feminism of the 1960's. Not so. Not even close. Robert St. Estephe tells our story here, with clarity and conviction. A spectacular effort by a great writer.” (Paul Elam, editor of A Voice for Men)


13 topics are discussed in an attack on the "false narrative": the post-1960s fabricated history regarding the relations between the sexes preceding the 1960s:

Alimony, Men’s Rights Organizations, Female Men’s Rights Activists, Heart-Balm Racket, Badger Game & Other Rackets, Military Rackets, Chivalry Justice, Female Serial Killers, Domestic Violence Against Women, Ransom Child Kidnapping & Parental Kidnapping, Parental Alienation, The Disengaged Father, Misandric Fixation, Origins of the word “Misandry.”

LINK to article "Setting the Record Straight on the Men's Movement"


EXCERPT (first paragraphs):

Let us now embrace our true – yet utterly forgotten – men’s rights history. Now is the time to throw off myths we have been sold by the peddlers of the orthodox historical narrative. For much of what we believe to be true about the relations between the sexes in the past is, in reality, nothing but fake history; a sheaf of fables fabricated and promoted by social constructionist ideologues.

What is offered in this article is an introduction to the unknown history of 13 subjects I believe are crucial to today’s men’s rights movement. These 13 subjects are areas in the history of the relations between the sexes which have been obfuscated and defaced by an army of academics and policy-shapers who, in their effort to promote utopian agendas for the future, have been, over the past five decades, distorting and censoring the record and have peddled to the public a narrative deliberately tailored to seduce it into accepting a totalitarian set of protocols handed down from above and rolled out by a gigantic and powerful bureaucracy.
