
Monday, October 31, 2016

The Documentary Film that was Banned BEFORE Post-Production Even Began – THE RED PILL

Set for release in Fall 2016, this documentary is already uber-controversial, subject to funding blacklisting, attacks from the politically correct Social Justice Orthodoxy mainstream media (full of dissimulation and false accusations, on cue).

* UPDATE: Released October 7, 2016. Melbourne Australia screening "banned" (cancelled due to an anti-Red Pill movie petition) on October 25, but revived and rescheduled by supporters of the film. Security guards have been hired to prevent disruption of the screening. A follow-up petition to bar director Cassie Jaye from receiving an Australian visit visa looks to be unsuccessful.


By 2015, the fundamentalist “social construction” ideology – which denies the facts of biology, nature and sound scientific method, and which promotes extreme coercive social engineering, curtailment of free speech, and the replacement of liberal education with Marxism-based indoctrination in dogmas and utopianist “theories” – has become the Establishment. The Social Justice ideology has its tentacles everywhere, strangling free discourse with standardized shunning and intimidation tactics, poised to blacklist any person with the temerity to speak without the imprimatur of the gatekeepers who require strict adherence to political correctness dogma.

Establishment Social Justice Warriors are opposed to this film because it presents an balanced objective non-propagandistic look at the Men’s Rights Movement as well as giving voice its critics, adherents of modern feminism’s rigid ideological system and social engineering agenda.

Already, eleven months preceding the film’s projected premiere, journalistic hit pieces including false statements and wild distortions are already appearing in the mainstream “social justice”-ideology dominated press.

The forthcoming coordinated campaign of sabotage and lies will have to be monitored diligently throughout the process and completion to insure that the apparently intended banning and disruptive protests of the film shall not prevent the public from exercising free choice in getting a chance to look at the evidence, to weigh the merits and demerits of the Men’s Rights Movement, and make up their own mind.

“No cause is left but the most ancient of all, the one, in fact, that from the beginning of our history has determined the very existence of politics, the cause of freedom versus tyranny.” – Hannah Arendt


Some background:

Milo Yiannopoulos, “‘The Red Pill’ Filmmaker Started to Doubt Her Feminist Beliefs… Now Her Movie Is at Risk,” Breitbart, 26 Oct 2015

Milo Yiannopoulos, “Dear Cassie Jaye, Sorry For Manspreading Your ‘Red Pill’ Kickstarter,” Breitbart, 29 Oct 2015


























The "inside baseball" memes:

The website "We Hunted the Mammoth" (operated by journalist David Futrelle) purports to expose misogyny, while in reality its focus is on protecting orthodox political correctness ideology from being explicitly exposed to close scrutiny.









An excellent two hour interview with director Cassie Jaye:


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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Feminist Quotes - Corrected & Annotated

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