
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Frau Hazyok, Serial Killer - 1907

FULL TEXT: A remarkable case of wholesale poisoning has just come to light in the Hungarian market town Knecz [Kneez] in the county of Temesvar [currently Romania]. On the strength of anonymous information that half the persons buried in the cemetery there had died of poison, the authorities ordered 25 bodies to be exhumed, and analysts found considerable quantities of arsenic in 13 of them. So far four husbands and eight wives have been arrested on charges of suspected poisoning of their spouses. Among the arrested are two women who murdered two successive husbands, and one peasant who poisoned three wives. A woman named Petrubany [“Petromany” in other sources] was arrested when the discovery was first made, and now another woman called Hazyok has been arrested for providing the villagers with poison. Both poisoned their own husbands without exciting the least suspicion and they made business of helping other women and men to get rid of their husbands wives, taking payment in money or provisions, pigs, calves, etc

[“Wholesale Poisoners.” Mt. Sterling Advocate (Ky.), Apr. 24, 1907, p. 5]


Related cases (Knez, 1906):


Geographical Information:

Knees / Satchinez was registered between 1332-1337 and allegedly based by a certain Paul Chinezu. In the 18th, century, the village had been populated by Serbs. Population during the 1997 census was 4626 inhabitants. Registered were 2246 men and 2380 women. The number of households was 1331.

Location: Knees (also; Knies; Romanian Satchinez; Serbian, Knez; Hungarian, Temeskenéz; Gypsy; Ogav-Chinizitican) lies in the Banater Heide, ca. 30 km Northwest from Temeswar and is in the district Temes. Knees, is also in the municipality with Baratzhausen and Hodoni.

Coordinates: the village lies on the coordinates - 21° 02' 23" and 45° 56' 36".  According to the ocean view, the high point of the village is at the Catholic Church, 102 meters and reaches the highest point in the direction of Baratzhausen with 106 meter. The lowest point is at 98, meters, in the Billed direction.

Railroad: Knees, lies on the railroad route, from Temeswar; Sankt-Andres; Hodoni; Knees; Baratzhausen; Ketfel; Warjasch; Perjamosch; Groß-Sankt-Nikolaus.

Climate: As the rest of Europe, Knees, have cold winters and hot summers. Springtime is mostly short. The average temperature throughout the year is about 10-6C. With the rich soil and relatively low water surface, brings a high harvest.

Neighbor Villages: Knees lies southwest from the village of Billed. Westerly from Alexanderhausen.  Northeast to Baratzhausen. East to Kalatscha and Southeast to Hodoni.


For more than two dozen similar cases, dating from 1658 to 2011, see the summary list with links see: The Husband-Killing Syndicates


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