
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cairo Female Cannibal Serial Killer - 1903

FULL TEXT: One of the most horrible criminals that ever lived was recently arrested near Cairo. For some weeks children had been mysteriously disappearing from the streets of that city, and finally the rumour spread that they had been kidnapped and subsequently cooked and devoured by a woman living at Kafr-Sakr, in the Charkieh district.

The police at first paid no attention to the rumour, thinking it absurd but, as children continued to disappear, they finally took action, and a detective was sent to Kafr-Sakr with instructions to make a thorough investigation. On his arrival he went to the woman’s house and caught her in the act of eating an infant, which she had just cooked. Two hours later she was lodged in gaol. Numerous children are missing, and it is believed that they have all been killed by this woman.

[“A Female Cannibal.” The Auckland Star (New Zealand), Oct. 31, 1903, p. 5]



FULL TEXT (translated from German): A man-eater was in Cairo these days with great excitement of the inhabitants in pre-trial detention. It has been rumored for some time that a woman from Kafr-Sakr in the district of Chartieh attacked children playing on the street in order to abduct and consume them. The authorities initially put a lot of pressure on these targeting entities because they thought it was outrageous. But as the complaints of the inhabitants increased, a secret police was escorted to Kafr-Sakr, and it was not long before he genuinely surprised and took away his wife's consumption of human flesh. It is then hardly doubtful that a number of disappeared children have fallen victim to the cannibal.

["A female cannibal." Nuuigkeits Welf-Blatt (Vienna, Austria), July 3, 1903. p. 34]


FULL TEXT: Eine Menschenfresscrin wurde dieser Tage in Kairo unter großer Erregung der Einwohner in Untersuchungshaft eingeliesert. Schonseit längerer Zeit ging das Gerücht, daß eine Frau aus Kafr-Sakr im Distritt von Charkieh auf der Straße spielende Kinder aiifgrisse, um sie zu verschleppen und zu verzehren. Die Behörden legten darauf dinzielenden Meldiingen zunächsttein großes Gewicht bei, weil ihnen die Sache zu ungeheuerlich erschien. Da aber bie Klagen der Einwohner sich mehrten, wurde ein Geheimpolizlst nach Kafr-Sakr entfandt, und es dauerte nicht lange, bis er thatsbchlich das Weib beim Verspeisen von Menschenfleisch liberraschte und sestnahm. Es ist danach kaum mehr zweifelhaft, daß eine Anzahl verschwundener Kinder der Kannibalin zum Opfer gefallen.

[“Ein weiblicher Kannibale.” Nuuigkeits Welf-Blatt (Vienna, Austria), 3. Juli 1903. p. 34]


For more cases see: Cannibal Murderesses


For more Real Life Ogresses see: Ogresses: Female Serial Killers of the Children of Others


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