
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mrs. Lajos Cser, Serial Killer – Hungary, 1930


Some sources give the erroneous name, “Oser.”


FULL TEXT: Szolnok, Hungary, Oct. 14 – The last group of thirty-two women tried this year on charges of poisoning their husbands and other relatives went on trial here today.

Nine women, accused of the poisoning for love or for gain, came before the court. All were between the ages of 55 and 70.

Five pleaded innocence. But Mrs. Louis Cser, who confessed having killed two of her children at their birth and her father-in-law, asked the court to give her the severest possible sentence so that she might expiate her terrible times.

[“Claim that Women Poisoned Husbands,” The Scranton Republican (Pa.), Oct. 15, 1930, p. 2]


EXCERPT (Translated from German): Szolnok, October 14th. - Today's trial in the Szolnok poisoning trial turned out to be very dramatic [event]. After the indictment was published, the first five peasant women were questioned, who denied any guilt and also withdrew the partial confessions they had made before the examining magistrate. On the other hand, the sixth defendant, Mrs. Cser, confessed to having eliminated her brother-in-law in 1911, her little daughter in 1916 and her son in 1923 by using arsenic. As the instigator of all these murders, she describes the accomplice Mrs. Facekas, who would who would be punished in court.

The remaining three defendants, including Ms. Facekas, who were then interrogated, denied any culpability in mutual knowledge.

The negotiation will continue tomorrow.

[“Court Hall. The last Szolnok poisoning trial. New spouse murderers in court. " Die Neue Zeitung (Vienna, Austria), Oct. 15, 1930, p. 6]


EXCERPT (some words illegible): Szolnok, 14. Oktober. – Die heutige Verhandlung in dem Szolnoker Giftmord prozeß gestaltete sich [teilboisse] sehr dramatisch. Nach Veleiung der Anklageschrift wurden die ersten fünf Bäuerinnen vernommen, die jede Schuld in Abrede stellten und auch ihre vordem Untersuchungsrichter gemachten Teilgeständnisse zurückzogen. Dagegen gestand die sechste Angeklagte, Frau Cser, im Jahre 1911 ihren Schwager, im Jahre 1916 ihre kleine Tochter und im Jahre 1923 ihren Sohn durch Arsen aus dem Wege geräumt zu haben. Als Anstifterin bei all diesen Mordeaten bezeichne sie die mitangellagte Frau Facekas, die in gerichte Strafe [exxsden] würden.

Die sodann einvernommen restlichen drei Angeklagten, unter ihnea auch Frau Facekas leugneten wieber in antschiedener Wisse jedes Verschulden.

Die Verhandlung wird morgen fortgesetzt.

[“Gerichtshalkle. Der letzte Szolnoker Giftmordproceß. Neuen Gattenmörderinnen vor Gericht.” Die Neue Zeitung (Vienna, Austria), Oct. 15, 1930, p. 6]


This prosecution is part of the larger murder syndicate case in the Tisza Valley which came to light in 1929. SEE: “How Wives Gained Power By Mass-Murder of Husbands






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