
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mrs. Pauline Mittlestedt, Professional Serial Killer of Infants, Milwaukee - 1886

FULL TEXT: Milwaukee, September 6. – The finding of a dead infant with a darning needle through its heart, has led to a disclosure that a regular business of putting babes to death, at so much per head has been carried on in this city. Mrs. Pauline Mittlestedt, proprietress of a lying in house, fled a few weeks ago upon ascertaining that the authorities had accumulated evidence criminating her. She traveled under an assumed name in Michigan, but was overhauled at Reed City and brought back last night. She confessed the murder of the child and claims to have been promised $300 by its mother, for putting it out of the way. The authorities are investigating the deaths of numerous other infants born out of wedlock, and supposed to have been put to death by her.

[“A Professional Murderess.” Reno Evening Gazette, Nv.), Sep. 6, 1886, p. 2]


For more cases of “Baby Farmers,” professional child care providers who murdered children see The Forgotten Serial Killers.


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