
Monday, February 8, 2021

Rosalie James, Badger Game Dame – San Francisco, 1939

FULL TEXT: Notice of intention to wed for the fourth time was on file at the county clerk's office here today by figured in the mystery death of a Berkeley man a year ago [1939], and who previously was convicted in a "badger game" plot in Santa Rosa.

Mrs. James made application to wed Hervey Harrison Thomas, 38 [?], a Los Angeles marine engineer, who also had been previously married. Mrs. James gave her address as 100 Oak Street, San Francisco.


Mrs. James' second husband was Paul Farland, who later confessed to having a wife and several children in New York at the time he eloped to Reno with Mrs. James. Both husband and wife were convicted in 1934 of attempting to mulct Willard Howe, ranch owner, through a badger game scheme, and Mrs. James was placed on probation for two years.

In April of last year Mrs. James was questioned by police after the death of Wenzel Dyk, Berkeley glove manufacturer, who was found dead in a San Francisco hotel room. His death was later attributed to a fall in a night club where he had dined with Mrs. James.


In August of 1934 Mrs. James married Levi Howland, Oakland inventor, in a Reno elopement, but Howland later annulled the marriage on the grounds that his wife had been involved in a crime of moral turpitude referring to the Santa Rosa conviction, and charged also that she had not obtained a divorce from Farland.

The woman's application for a license cited the fact that she had been married three times before. Her first husband's name was Wilson, the application said.

[“Woman Plans 4th Marriage Principal in 'Badger Game' Case Files Intention to Wed,” Oakland Tribune (Ca.), Mar. 19, 1940, P. C-19] 



[360-4/5/21; 1049-8/16/21]

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