
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Myriam Marlein, Belgian Serial Baby-Killing Mother - 1988

FULL TEXT: Brussels, Wed. – A 33-year-old Belgian woman has confessed to have killed eight of her 10 children, police reported yesterday.

Investigators who arrested Myriam Marlein in January last year for killing her twins, said she confessed on March 5, after being questioned for 13 months, to have killed six of the children she gave birth to before the twins.

Marlein, who had been living with her boyfriend in Ostend for more than 10 years, has two other children over eight years of age, police said. Osdend is 115 km (71 miles) west of Brussels.

She was arrested last year after giving birth to twins in the bathroom of a supermarket and killing them by stuffing their mouths with toilet paper and leaving the bodies in a plastic bag. Her arrest came after police was shown a video film made by one of the supermarket’s cameras.

Police said Marlein killed her six other children between December 1980 and January 1987.

She told police she had been able to hide her repeated pregnancies easily, even from her boyfriend.

The couple was financially well off and Marlein, who showed no sign of depression, could not explain why she murdered her children, police said.

[“Mother Admits Killing Her Eight Children,” syndicated (AP), New Straits Times (Malaysia), Mar. 24, 1988, p. 16]


Myriam Marlein was sentenced to twelve years in prison.

[Michel Bailly,  « Douze ans de prison, » Le Soir (Paris, France),  Sep. 30, 1989, pp. 1 & 7]


For more cases of this type, see Serial Baby-Killer Moms.


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