
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Johanna Kapruczan, Professional Serial Killer – Romania, 1912

FULL TEXT (Translated from Hungarian): News from Arad: Today the jury in Arad was convicted the criminals of poisoning in Pécs. A year and a half ago, Miklós Keveresán, a wealthy landowner who had returned from America with a lot of money, died suddenly in the village of Pécska.

An anonymous letter warned the Arad royal prosecutor's office that Kevenesán had been poisoned by his wife.

The woman was arrested before she admitted that she had indeed given powder to her husband, which was in a marshmallow; Györgyné Gyrgyz Kapruczán received from another woman.

Before the police, Ms. Kapruczán admitted that she had given arsenic not only to this woman from Lippa, but also to five other women, with which the women had murdered their husbands.

Later, before the investigating judge, the woman revoked her confession and the investigation initiated into the killings was terminated.

The Arad prosecutor's office charged Keveresán with murder and Kapruczán accused her of helping as an accomplice.

The Arad jury heard the case for two days. Mrs. Keyeresán stated that she had given her husband powder, but she did not know that it was a harmful powder.

Her aim was to cure her lord of jealousy, but Mrs. Kapruezan denied everything. Witnesses testified that Mrs. Kapruczán persuaded the woman from Pécs to give her husband a veil that would silence her jealousy forever.

The jurors found both defendants guilty late this afternoon. Mrs. Keyeresán was sentenced to seven years in prison. Mrs. Kapruczán was sentenced to six.

["The Pécs Poisoning." Budapest Hirlap (Hungary), Feb. 16, 1913, p. 17] 


The following two texts, stating that four murdered husbands were Kapruczan’s own, is based, apparently, on a mis-translation.

FULL TEXT: Vienna, April 23. A woman who has been arrested at Lippa, in Hungary, [currently Lipova in Romania] has confessed that she murdered four of her husbands. She is now married to an innkeeper named Kapruczan.

Owing to the revelations she has made five other woman of the same town have been arrested for murdering their first husbands. From the admission of Frau Kapruczan, it appears that she made a regular business of helping her neighbours to get rid of their husbands in order to marry other men.

There appear to have been no monetary reasons for the crimes.

[“Female Bluebeard. - Woman Confesses Murder of Four Husbands.” Wanganui Chronicle (New Zealand), Jun. 6, 1912, p. 8]


FULL TEXT (translated from German): The Gendarmerie of Lippa near Arad the day before yesterday arrested the former innkeeper's wife, Johanna Kapruczan, who was suspected of having forcibly eliminated her four deceased husbands. The woman confessed to poisoning her men with arsenic. In the course of the interrogation, she also stated that she poisoned some relatives, who also poisoned their husbands. As a result of the confession, the police arrested five women who poisoned their husbands.

[“A four-time husband murderess. Concentration of female poisoners.” (Eine viersache Gattenmörderin. Berhastung von Giftmischerinnen.) Volksblatt für Stadt und Land. (Vienna, Austria), 28. April 1912. p. 7]



FULL TEXT: Die Gendarmerie von Lippa bei Arad nahm vorgestern die Verhaftung der dertigen Gastwirtsgattin Johanna Kapruczan vor, die verdächtigtwurde, ihre vier verstorbenen Männer auf gewaltsame Weise beseitigt zu haben. Die Frau gestand, ihre Männer mit Arsenik vergiftet zu haben. Im Verlaufe des Verhöres gab sie auch an, dass sie einegen Verwandten Gift gab, die gleichfallsihre Männer vergifteten. Aus Grund deas Geständnisses nahm die Gendarmerie noch fünf Frauen in Haft, die ihre Männer vergifteten.

[Eine viersache Gattenmörderin. Berhastung von Giftmischerinnen. Volksblatt für Stadt und Land. (Vienna, Austria), 28. April 1912. p. 7]


FULL TEXT: Aradról jelenik: Az aradi esküdtbiróság ma ítélt a pécskai mérgezés bűnösei dolgában. Másfél évvel ezelőtt hirtelen meghalt Pécska községben Keveresán Miklós jómódú  föídmives, a ki sok pénzzel tért vissza Amerikából.

Névtelen Ievélben arra figyelmeztették az aradi királyi ügyészséget, hogy Kevenesánt félesége' mérgezte meg.

 Az asszonyt letartóztatták, mire bevailotta, hogy, valóban port adólt be az urának, melyet Kapruczán Györgyné lippai korcsmáros; asszonytól kapott.

A csendőrök előtt Kapruczánné bevaliotta, hogy nemcsak ennek a lippai asszonynak, hanem még öt asszonynak adolt arzént, mellyel az asszonyok férjüket meggyilkolták.

Később a vizsgálóbíró elött a korcsmárosné visszavonta vallomását és az öl eselben meginditott vizsgálatot meg is szüntették.

Az aradi ügyészség Keveresánnét férígyilkossággal vádolta meg, valamint Kapruczánnét azzal, hogy mint bűntárs segédkezet nyujtoit.

Két napig tárgyalta az aradi esküdtszék az ügyet. Keyeresánné bevarllotla hogy adott be férjének port, de nem tudta, hogy mérges por.

Célja az volt, hogy urát kigyógyitsa a féltékenységből, Kapruezánné ezzel szemben mindent tagadott. A tanuk igazolták, hogy Kapruczánné rábeszélte a pécskai asszonyt, hogy adjon be az urának olyan, szért, a mely örökre elhallgattja féltékenységét.

Az esküdtek ma késő délután bűnösnek mondották ki mind a két vádlottat. Keveresánnét hét évi. Kapruczánnét hat évi fegyházra itélték.

[“A pécskai mérgezés.” Budapest Hirlap (Hungary), Feb. 16, 1913, p. 17]


Lipova - German and Hungarian: Lippa; Serbian: Липова, Lipova; Turkish: Lipva) is a town in Romania, Arad County, located in the Banat region of western Transylvania. It is situated at a distance of 34 km from Arad, the county capital, at the contact zone of the Mureș River with the Zarand Mountains, Western Plateau and Lipovei Hills. It administers two villages, Radna (Máriaradna) and Șoimoș (Solymosvár), and its total surface is 134.6 square km.




More: Champion Black Widow Serial Killers



For more than two dozen similar cases, dating from 1658 to 2011, see the summary list with links see: The Husband-Killing Syndicates


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