Friday, September 4, 2020

“Vlasotince Serial Poisoner” – Serbia, 1898

FULL TEXT (Translated from German): We received a telegram from Belgrade: In Vlasotinze, a mother poisoned her three sons of her own, her husband, grandfather and three other male relatives, a total of eight people, of the Chakitsch family within six months in order to turn the inheritance on to her favorite son.

 [“Eightfold poisoning.” (“Achtfacher Giftmord.”), Neues Wiener Tagblatt (Vienna, Austria), Sep. 20, 1898, p. 6]


FULL TEXT: Aus Belgrad wird uns telegraphirt: In Vlasotinze hat eine Mutter ihre drei eigenen Söhne, ihren Gatten, Großvater und drei andere männliche Verwandte, zusammen acht Personen, der Familie Tschakitsch innerhalb eines halben Jahres vergiftet,um das Erbe ihrem Lieblingssohne zu zuwenden.

[“Achtfacher Giftmord.” Neues Wiener Tagblatt (Vienna, Austria), Sep. 20, 1898, p. 6]


Vlasotince (Serbian Cyrillic: Власотинце) is a town and municipality located in Jablanica District of southern Serbia. As of 2011, the municipality has 29,669 inhabitants, while the town itself has a population of 15,830 inhabitants.






1 comment:

  1. Hey love your blog, could you feature Florence Ransom, the British woman who killed 3 people.
