Sunday, March 5, 2023

Serial Killer Nuns

1876 – Grey Nuns of Montreal – Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1908 – Sisters of St. Anne – Gerace, Italy

1950 – Miriam Soulakiotis – Keratera, Greece

1978 – Cecile Bombeek – Wetteren, East Flanders, Belgium

2000 – Credonia Mwerinde – Kunungu, Uganda

[117-10/29/21; 226-3/5/23; 619-7/26/23]


  1. I strongly recommend you make a page about the Nashville School Shooter. The shooter was a woman, which almost never happens.

    And also another page about the YouTube headquarters shooting, who the shooter was also a woman.

  2. Here is another one: Please make a post about Nasra Yussef Mohammed AL-ENEZI. She is a mass murderer who killed 58 lives, yet her case is not well known.
