Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sarah Silverman is a Big Fat Liar

Sarah Silverman is a purveyor of Social Justice Marxism propagandistic lies. This Neo-Marxist authoritarian hate cult is steeped in superstitions derived from authoritarian philosophers.

Her claim that “all serial killers are white guys” is not her own invention. It is a claim that originated in the indoctrination programs that were once, before they were taken over by authoritarian social engineers, institutions of higher education.


To disabuse yourself of this "gender studies"  indoctrination, see these 101-level educational posts and start becoming familiar with some politically incorrect facts about serial killers:







1 comment:

  1. Now, be fair, the only killers she's see have been on Criminal Minds.
    My wife and I stopped watching it after we realised we could only guess at the age of the white male killers.
    Earlier seasons were a little more diverse racially and gender wise, but not any more.
    They should rename it Hunting White Men.
