Saturday, September 17, 2011

Leontina Tydrych, Polish Child Care Provider & Serial Killer - 1927

FULL TEXT: The professional foster-mother who has been arrested at Bialystok (Poland) on a charge of having murdered 60 babies is Leontina Tydrych. She charged a fee of 30/, and mothers seeking to see their children were informed that they were being reared in the woman's country home.

The persistence of one mother revealed that the home did not exist, and there was no trace of the children. It is alleged Tydrych murdered them immediately they were received and afterwards cremated them.

[Untitled, The Border Watch (Mount Gambier, S. A., Australia), Jan. 27, 1927, p. 1]


FULL TEXT (translated from German): It is reported that a woman has been arrested in Bialhstok, Poland, on suspicion of killing no less than sixty children. The woman took foster children and sent them supposedly for better care in the country. She gave this explanation, and when mothers who asked about their children always put them off. But now a mother has insisted on the return of her child. She noticed in the apartment of the "foster mother" traces of blood and she shared her suspicions with the police. The child murderer describes herself in public as the owner of a child care home and child educator. For each child, she charged sixty zlotys to pay in advance. Apparently she has killed every child immediately after receiving them and then burned the body.

[“The angelic maker of Bialystok.” Morgenblatt Arbeiter-Zeitung (Vienna, Austria), 16 Jänner 1927. p. 7]



FULL TEXT: Wie berichtet, ist in Bialhstok in Polen eine Frau verhaftet worden, die im Verdacht steht, nicht weniger als sechzig Kinder ermordet zu haben. Die Frau nahm Pflegekinder an und schickte sie angeblich zur besseren Pflege aufs Land.Mit dieser Erklärung wußte sie die Mütter, die sich nach ihren Kindern erkundigten, immer wieher zu vertrösten. Jetzt aber bestand eine Mutter auf der Rückgabe ihres Kindes. Dabei fielen ihr in der Wohnung der “Pflegemutter” Blutspuren auf und sie teilte ihren Verdacht der Polizei mit. Die Kindesmörderin bezeichnet sich in der Oeffentlichkeit als Inhaberin eines Kinderpslegeheims und Kinder erzieherin. Fiir jedes Kind berechnete sie sechzig Zloty, die im voraus zu zahlen waren. Anscheinend hat sie jedes Kind sofort nach Empfang getötet und die Leiche verbrannt.

[“Die Engelmacherin von Bialystok.” Morgenblatt Arbeiter-Zeitung (Vienna, Austria), 16 Jänner 1927. p. 7]



For more cases of “Baby Farmers,” professional child care providers who murdered children see The Forgotten Serial Killers.


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